Non-Surgical Body Work

  • Lorrian Clifford

    Lorraine helps you get off that pain train the medical system leads you to believe you will bear for the rest of your life. You do not have to be in pain. I will help open up the areas of stagnation to bring back your life force. Thus, Wolfe Non-Surgical CellSonic Rejuvenation reverses the irreversible.

    Lorraine was diagnosed with cancer at age 36 and dove deep into Alternative Health as a means of ending her disease. She has spent over 25 years in Alternative Health and is passionate about sharing the knowledge she gathered through this journey. She has always been open to new information and wants to stay on the cutting edge of what works; Lorraine has an inner-standing on how these beautiful bodies work. She is certified as a Master Practitioner/Trainer with Doc of detox offering Wolfe Non-Surgical, Diet, Nutritional, Advanced Water Fast and Emotional, teaching the Women’s Pelvic Restoration and Disease Prevention MasterClass.

  • Alicia Williams

    Alicia has adeptly served as both a Whole-Life Coach and a Wolfe Non-Surgical Restorative Bodywork Therapist. Her rich tapestry of knowledge and experience forms the foundation upon which she guides individuals towards holistic health. Alicia's journey, steeped in competitive Ice Dance, Personal Training, and Superfood Nutrition, enriches her understanding of the interconnected facets of well-being.

    Alicia specializes in Wolfe Non-Surgical Restorative Bodywork, a unique technique that addresses the root causes of acute/chronic muscular problems, skeletal issues, and internal scar tissue resulting from inflammation and surgery.

  • Jesse Fraser

    Jesse helps you take your pain and leverage it into your most significant asset next to your health. I am going to take you from feeling worthless to feeling valiant! Let’s do this!

    Jesse has built a more than 15-year career in health and safety as a consultant, coaching hundreds of work crews before fully leveraging his experience into wellness. His behaviour-based and cognitive psychology education has backed his ability to go well beyond mental and physical health and into spiritual. He has always been passionate about building stamina, revitalizing the body, and, more recently, extending longevity. He has intuitively developed an integrated approach within his Masculine Embodiment Coach practice. Jesse is a Certified Wolfe Non-Surgical Practitioner and Whole Life Coach.