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Smudge and Prayer Ceremony

We invite you to share a evening with John “Quicktree” as we experience the teachings of the Twisted Hairs Elders of Turtle Island, also known as the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path and celebrate this winters Solstice in that tradition.

We will gather on this day which is known as the darkest day of the year, to look inside and ask the questions:

“How can I bring more light into my world in the upcoming year” also

“What part of my shadow side do I need to let go of to make this change?”

“What part of my brilliance can I bring to the table to make a difference in theworld of self life and others?”

We will pass the smudge to have a moment out of time as we allow the smudge to cleans us from the day to day hustle and bustle of life to reconnect with our own spirit, as we take a moment to reflect on 2024 and what our shadow side has taught us about what is needing to change and heal in our worlds so we are able to take a step forward in the direction of hope, health and happiness.

We will then put our name and intent into the space by passing the talking stick and sharing a bit about ourselves to aid us in becoming one hearted as the sacred humans we have forgotten that we are.

Quicktree will then share some of the importance of this time of year and how we can work with the energies avaiable to us to go with in and listen to the guidence of our inner voice, also known as our higher selk. Each person will then have a opportunity to offer their prayers for the new season.

Once the ceromony is complete there will be a opportunity for us to have a open discussion for any questions which may arise.

December 18

Sharing Circle